January 13, 2023

Microfinance in Nepal: Trends and Challenges

Microfinance in Nepal: Trends and Challenges In furtherance to D4D’s commitment to support and expand the community of women in data, the Women’s Entrepreneur Data (WEData) project was envisioned to study existing data on women’s […]
January 13, 2023

Microfinance in Nepal: What’s gone wrong and how it can be turned around.

Microfinance in Nepal: What’s gone wrong and how it can be turned around. [DI and WEData, in partnership with The Asia Foundation, recently completed a study on microfinance in Nepal. Its findings and recommendations have […]
December 28, 2022

Census Observation – Nepal Census 2021

D4D along with Karnali Integrated Rural Development & Research Center (KIRDARC) and members of the National Statistics Office (NSO) and National Planning Commission (NPC) carried out census observation of Nepal’s most recent Census 2021. This […]
September 25, 2022

Local Government (LG) Data Fellowship

The LG Data Fellowship aims to assist municipal bodies in getting the data digitized and better used for decision-making. It offers the opportunity to work closely with various personnel in municipalities and other stakeholders.
June 30, 2022

Digital Conclave Partnership

Envisioning a digital Nepal, D4D endorsed Digital Nepal Conclave 2022 as a developmental partner.
May 29, 2022

Mission Oxygen

D4D teamed up with RAN, BSN and BEFN to create the Mission Oxygen Team with NBA to combat the shortage of biomedical equipment during the COVID-19 crisis.
April 29, 2022

Statistical Literacy Handbook

D4D supported a joint initiative by NPC and CBS to strengthen knowledge and skills of sub-national government in data and digital literacy.
March 25, 2022

Innovation Portal

D4D supported the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) and their National Innovation Digital Network (NIDN) with the helper of implementing partner organizations Robotics Association of Nepal (RAN) and Naxa. The innovation portal was […]
March 25, 2022
Women in Data Conference

Women in Data Conference 2022

The Women in Data Conference 2022 that aimed to nurture and expand the community of women in data in Nepal, saw the ‘Women in Data Steering Committee’ help D4D host several satellite events in both […]