August 13, 2018

Strengthening the Air Quality Narrative in Nepal with open data

To strengthen evidence-use in efforts aimed at understanding and addressing Nepal’s air pollution, the D4D Program supported Clean Up Nepal and Air South Asia to conduct a 3-day workshop on open data for air quality.
June 25, 2018

Growing youth leadership in open data

To build the capacity of Nepal’s youth to understand the value, interact with data and lead the open data agenda, the D4D Program supported YUWA to conduct a series of youth leadership and data workshops around Nepal.
June 17, 2018

Sensitizing Nepali businesses to open data

To sensitize business in Nepal to the potential benefits afforded to them by open data, the D4D Program worked with the National Business Initiative to hold a roundtable discussion on “Open Data for Business” with business leaders.
June 1, 2018

Researching Private Sector demand for open data

To better understand the potential importance of open data for Nepal’s private sector the D4D Program funded FACTS Nepal to undertake research into business’s data needs and willingness to share data.
May 5, 2018

Showcasing data infographics

To excite the public about data and reach new audiences with data about their country and communities, the D4D Program hosted a public infographic exhibition at Kathmandu (Basantapur) Durbar Square.
April 17, 2018

Announcing the Release Of The Open Data Day 2018 Video

On March 3, Open Data Day Nepal 2018 with as theme ‘Open Data For Everyone’ was celebrated at Patan Durbar Square and Museum. A short film was made to commemorate the day and increase awareness on what is open data and what it means for Nepal.
April 1, 2018

Researching the open data landscape in Nepal’s municipalities

To better understand the potential for open data to meet information needs at the local level, the D4D Program supported Foundation for Development Management to conduct a study into the open data landscape in 11 municipalities.
April 1, 2018

Improving the sharing of hydropower data

To support the use of evidence and coordination in the development of Nepal’s hydropower sector, the D4D Program supported Niti Foundation to develop an open map of hydropower projects.
April 1, 2018

Data Portal – Demographic Dynamics of Nepal

To help improve the accuracy of government health targets, the D4D Program is funding Digital Data Systems for Development to develop a tool for calculating and disseminating population statistics.