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September 1, 2017

Factsheet – Data for Development in Nepal Program Overview

Link: Data For Development Program Factsheet

The D4D Program aims to ensure that more and better data is available, accessible and usable by a range of government, civil society, and private sector actors at the national and subnational level to inform decision making, implementation and monitoring of development efforts. This 2-page factsheet outlines the D4D Program’s rationale, goal, approach, intended outcomes and partnerships.

D4D Program Outcomes and Activities

Outcome 1: Increased demand for development data in open format by government, civil society, and the private sector.

Using a politically informed approach, the D4D Program conducts dialogue with government stakeholders, increasing their awareness of the benefits of open data and encouraging data openness through existing and pilot initiatives, policy and practice. To grow the demand for data the D4D Program engages with civil society, private sector and youth stakeholders to demonstrate the value of data to their work. The D4D Program also conducts activities to grow and strengthen a community of practice on (open) development data – Open Nepal – where Nepal’s (open) data pioneers can share experiences and collaborate for collective action. 

Outcome 2: Increased availability, openness, and accessibility of development data for government, civil society, and the private sector.

The D4D Program assesses the availability and accessibility of key development data to improve understanding of the data currently available to decision-makers. The program conducts research on the user-needs and use-cases of data to inform the development of data-sharing initiatives. Various home-grown initiatives by Nepali partner organisations focused on collaborating with government to share data are supported, for example the opening of earthquake related data, data on waste collection, hydropower data and geospatial data.

Outcome 3: Increased capacity to use development data in open format among government agencies and civil society actors for evidence-based decision making, implementation and monitoring.

The D4D Program has conducted a capacity development needs assessment and identified strategic opportunities to grow the use of (open) data. Activities being conducted to meet these needs include peer-to-peer learning, technical training and applied learning. The D4D Program’s Open Data Innovation Fund provides funding and expertise to local organisations with innovative project ideas aimed at improving the availability and use of development data across a broad range of sectors.